In This Workbook
"Ask Your Counselor" Workbook Page
Remember it's not your counselor's job to tell you where to apply and what to do. It's their job to counsel you and guide you. It's all on you. You have to be proactive. Don't wait to be called to the office and told what to do. Make an appointment, ask questions, do your research! If your counselor is unable to assist you in the field you want to pursue, ask if there is someone who can. This is your future, not theirs. They have a lot of students they are also managing. It's up to you to be on top of your deadlines and tasks in order to get into the college of your dreams!
Basic Q&A, Colleges You're Considering and Campus Visit pages
These pages are designed to help narrow down your selection. Begin with Basic Q&A. Once a college is being considered, utilize the Colleges You're Considering section to explore more of what the college offers. Finally, when you visit your top choices use the Campus Visit section. In each section there are 5 stars at the top to rate the college, areas to record pros & cons and blank space for additional notes and thoughts. While there is room for 30 colleges in the basic section, 20 in the considering section and 10 in the visit section do not feel like you need to consider that many colleges. Start with the colleges recommended by your counselor and then do your own research.
TIP: Try to ask the same questions at each school you visit so that you have a point of comparison. Ask the questions that aren't outlined in admissions materials.

Basic Q&A
Your first impression. Perfect 1 pager for college fairs and initial explorations. This way you can't forget to ask the same set of questions and what each school said. Pro/con column and star ratings for quick review. There is room for 30 colleges.
Colleges You're Considering
More in depth questions and information gathering for colleges you are seriously considering. Additional place for ratings, Pros & Cons as you narrow in your search. There is room for 20 Colleges.
Campus Visit Questions
A campus tour is the best place to ask questions! This section is meant to provide prospective students and parents with ideas of key questions to ask during an on- campus visit. There is room for 10 colleges.
Financial Aid
These work pages will help you get the information you need from the schools you're considering. There is room for 10 colleges. Everyone should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is a checklist of information you will need to complete the application. The application process opens October 1 st of every year for the following year. This is completed every year while attending college.
Financial Aid Shopping Chart
After you submit your FAFSA, colleges you've been accepted to will begin processing and then providing you Financial Aid information. Most will use a FAFSA format called the Shopping Sheet. This chart will allow you to record the numbers in a chart to compare up to 6 schools side by side.
Start thinking about your college essay early. Ideally, you will go thru several drafts and rewrites. It is common to go through several different topics before finding the essay topic you are going to submit. Let your personality shine through! These tips will help you get started.
You can only make a first impression once. Go in prepared.
Common terms and abbreviations used throughout this workbook and colleges.
Almost everything can be found on the Internet - if you know where to look. Use this section to get started and add some references of your own.